domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

I'm missing something...

... and I don't even know what.
I don't know if it's a what or if it's a who...
I really don't know anything about it except for the fact that it is missing and there is a hole inside of me that I feel like I can't fill.
 I don't even know why I am writing this post, or why is this in English instead of Spanish, but all I know it's that words are writing themselves and that there is a strange feeling inside of my chest.

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Hola! Puedes comentar libremente, pero eso sí, siempre que respetes, tanto a mí como a los comentarios anteriores. Puedes decir que no te gusta, nunca pretendería negar libertad de expresión, pero claro, con educación.
Muchas gracias, es un placer leer vuestras opiniones! :)